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Why I do projects!

Some might think that this is a waste of my time, or a waste of money, and I can see why people would think that. It isn't even about the stuff as much as it is about the therapy. I have been going through some anxiety with our end of life as we know it. End of Life meaning that the only life we have known in our marriage is School! We are so excited for our next stage of life, but I seem to deal with anxiety when dealing with big changes. I tried to get into counseling, but the sessions don't work with Justin's school schedule and I can't take the girls. So I have found that doing projects help relieve anxiety. I find cheap projects that inspire me, and it works. At least so far. After we move I won't be able to do projects with painting and wood, so I am trying to do over kill so that I will feel like quilting.

Nothing better than therapy to make ones life feel better!


  1. i love all of your projects. I wish I had time right now to comment on each one, but I might call you and do my comments live and in person because the kids don't let me get on the computer much (besides for the real estate stuff that i have had to do today and they have been punks all day because of it). ok rambling. love everything!

  2. I am so impressed by all of your furniture projects. I still haven't done the girls beds, even though I desperately want to, because it just seems like such a big project. You make it look like it's easy! And you got some seriously awesome deals! I will have to check out the Habitat Re-Store that's by us to see if I can find something cool too. I think it's great that you do projects as therapy. I know that when I'm feeling down, what helps get me out of it is just doing something. Going for a walk, starting a new project, even just knitting while I'm watching TV. So good for you for doing it!


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